TC RT Overview
TC RT GmbH was established in 2016.
Main TC RT directions of activity are:
- rolling stock and track infrastructure components testing
- new rolling stock design and existing construction modernization
- 1435 mm gauge rolling stock adaptation for utilization on 1520 mm gauge
- research activities on the field of railway track and vehicle interaction
- software research
TC RT has testing experience of:
- many types of freight cars
- passenger cars
- high speed trains
- diesel and electric locos
- rail fastening systems
- switches and rail crossing
Rolling stock design
TC RT takes part in design of:
- gondolas
- flat cars for timber, containers and contrailers
- hopper cars for grain, cement and mineral fertilizers
- bogies for freight cars and track maintenance machines

Software research and scientific activity
TC RT – carried out::
- developing of automated digital system for rolling stock components and spare parts data acquisition
- developing life cycle costs minimization models for rolling stock and track infrastructure
- adaptation of European wheel impact load system ATLAS software for utilization with 1520 mm and 1435mm gauge rolling stock

Testing Center of Railway Vehicle and Interaction GmbH
Falkensteiner Straße 2
24159 Kiel, Germany